Winding up BAMs big summer festival dedicated to music, a DJ set that brings all the energy of Club Culture and Dance Parties.
Analogue comes head-to-head with digital, the East meets with the West: a melting pot of styles, a vibrating show where acoustic is remixed with electronic music and a live beat take to the stage.
The show presented by Shantel, with his Partizani Super Sonic DJ set, celebrates freedom and musical diversity in a Balkan Pop mix, Global Bass, Diaspora Beats, Psychedelic Turk and electronic music.
Shantel brings the energy of the club culture and dancing festivals onto the stage. With his Disko Partizani success, he created a cosmopolitan sound that makes migration audible and danceable while integrating influences from Southeast Europe, Greece and the Middle East. His music originates from a dialogue between theory and practice, as it challenges the structures of social dominion and promotes a global and inclusive approach to music.