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ALL4BAM: Little Mozarts grow – Masterclass with Veronika Eberle

A huge participatory action starring young students of violin, viola, and cello: a call to action to young musicians who will meet up at the Park to form an unprecedented orchestra that will make Mozart’s notes resound during a musical moment built and achieved together, thanks to the direction of violinist Veronika Eberle.

Book your place and download the transcription of Concerto No. 5 here:

5 Konzert in A Rondeau – Violino I
5 Konzert in A Rondeau – Violino II
5 Konzert in A Rondeau – Viola
5 Konzert in A Rondeau – Violoncello I
5 Konzert in A Rondeau – Violoncello II

A place in the public area will automatically be reserved for the big evening concert for all those who book their place at the workshop.

In collaboration with Ricordi Music School 

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