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It’s Curling Time! | 18 December

Like during every holiday season, there are more and more benefits for our BAMFRIENDS.

After artistic skating, this year we will try out curling!

There are free places, always reserved for our BAMFRIENDS, every day until 6 January with a fully dedicated sheet for two teams to challenge each other sliding stones is available from
4 to 5 pm.

How is it done? Call five friends and divide them up into two teams. With a single booking you will be ready to play!

Just show your BAMFRIEND card upon arrival at the curling sheet. You don't have one yet? Learn here how to do it:



And do you know what curling is?

It was first played in Scotland and became very popular in Canada. The players slide stones over the ice and smooth their paths using special brooms. The first to arrive the closest to the centre of the target wins. Try it out!


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